What I wish I’d known about fat loss…

When I reflect on times in my life when my body weight has gone up a lot, it’s always been a time when I’ve been struggling emotionally.

In this photo in my 20s, I was in a very unhappy relationship (although I didn’t realise it at the time). And no, I’ve no idea what I’m doing in the picture either.

Then after our son died I was desperately unhappy and consumed by grief. Then more recently when I burnt out at work, stressed out beyond belief and perimenopause set in.

What I wish I’d learnt sooner for weight fat loss & maintenance? The importance of emotional regulation.

They didn’t teach it to me at Weight Watchers. Nor did they teach me about quality nutrition, mindfulness and exercise and movement for physical & mental health and body image.

Calorie tracking didn’t teach me emotional regulation either, nor macro tracking. I’ve tried those too. Oh, & Atkins & the Dukan diet, Slimfast & my personal concoction “just eat protein bars”.

The tools I use to manage my own weight our ones I have to practice on a daily basis. I’m never going to be “done“. It actually takes me intentional effort every day, and I’m not gonna lie, it was a bit disappointed when I realised this would be the case 😅. But I get better at them the more I practice them, because I treat them like skills.

And this is the way I coach individuals who struggle with emotional eating, stress eating & comfort eating too. Need support for sensible, realistic & maintainable fat loss from someone who gets it? Get in touch now me now. I’ve just two spots available to start in February.


8 signs you are burnt out, or heading there….


I’m taking imperfect action starting my podcast… and it’s REALLY really hard so here’s the pep talk I’m giving myself