8 signs you are burnt out, or heading there….

  1. You feel lonely and isolated

  2. You feel disconnected

  3. You are exhausted all the time but can’t seem to switch off

  4. You are irritable and snapping at people

  5. You feel overwhelmed

  6. You’ve lost confidence in yourself

  7. You’re not looking after yourself properly

  8. You are missing joy from your life

Burnout is a feeling of physical & emotional exhaustion that is increasingly common.

The pandemic blurred the lines between home & work for many of us, & that coupled with the economic crisis & awful world events, has meant that burnout is on the rise. Burnout is especially common in self employed people or people who have caring roles.

It IS possible to start feeling better…

🫶🏼Get more sleep. Try getting to bed 10/15 minutes earlier. It will seem hard at first but you NEED to rest.

🫶🏼Practice better boundaries between work/ home. Have a cut off point. Stop checking your email on the sofa at 8pm.

🫶🏼Practice saying no. Boundaries feel really hard but are necessary if you’re going to move forwards.

🫶🏼Recognise your to-do list will never be done, but try to work out what is enough for each day

🫶🏼Try and eat properly- try & cook more. A takeaway might help in the moment but in the long run it’s just going to make things worse. Have easy to cook meals in the house.

🫶🏼Ditto alcohol. You think it will help but it really won’t.

🫶🏼See your friends. This reminds you there is more to life than work, & laughter really is good for you.

🫶🏼Do things you used to enjoy. Think about how you used to pass the time before you worked all the time. Exercise, needlework, jigsaws, drawing….

🫶🏼 Get out for a 10-15 minute walk - I bang on about this all the time but it’s honestly a game changer. Avoiding activity is a sign off burnout, & this is the perfect way to start small.

One of the problems with burnout is that many of us can feel it coming but ignore (or aren’t aware of) these warning signs, so simply do more of the things that aren’t helping.

If you think I can help you create a structure to feel better, reach out.

1-1 coaching is an investment in yourself & those around you 💫

I have just one x 1-1 place available for a February start.


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