Overwhelmed at the pressure to be perfect with your health and fitness in January? ME TOO!

I REALLY struggled with this this week because of social media. Oh, the irony.

This week has been seriously busy for me…as I’m sure it has for a lot of you, and the change in pace after the holidays takes a bit of adjustment. Plus we got two kitten (more on that soon!). Concentrating on imperfect action not being perfect in the face of overwhelm has meant I got a lot more done than if I just sacked it all off.

I have found the noise on social media deafening about health and fitness. (Maybe I should be like my client Emma who has deleted all her social media for January so she can focus on her own journey and Get Stuff Done without distraction or comparison?)

So what did I do? I concentrated on not being being perfect and just continuing to show up for myself the BEST THAT I COULD EACH DAY.

Being consistent isn’t about being exactly the same every day. It’s about doing your best every day. And that looks different every day.

Not sure where to start?

Here are 3 things you could do TODAY to help you feel better and make progress with your health and fitness…

1. Grab an extra glass of water. Now! Yes- actually now…. that’s it, go and get one! I’ll wait! Ah! Brill- well done lovely. I bet you feel better already!

2. Make yourself get out for a walk. Just a little one, but do it! My 1-1 clients tell me that they hear my voice in their head telling them that something is better than nothing! Why not get your shoes on now? Yep! I see you! Well done lovely. That’s so good!

3. Go and buy some fruit and veg. A bunch of bananas, a bag of apples (I’m a sucker for Pink Lady’s as I know if they’re slightly more appealing variety I’ll eat them!) and a bag of satsumas is a great place to start. I honestly sometimes forget how to shop after the Christmas break… you are not alone! This morning i’ve just managed to book a food delivery for later on this evening… is that something that would help you too (I mean, not my delivery but you booking one for you if you’ve a hectic time on!)

I have one 1-1 Coaching spot available if you want to start but really don’t know what to do or what you need just now and need some Beth Friend Energy (is that a thing?! Could I make that a thing?) to help you get powered up and feeling how you want to! Feeling crap about yourself, stuck and lost is seriously lonely and isolating, but I can be there to support you every step of the way. Let’s chat. Hit reply to this email- it comes directly to me and is totally confidential. I bet I can help.

Speak soon x


Is it time to focus on self respect, instead of self love?


2023 review, and 2024 goal setting journalling prompts and ideas