2023 review, and 2024 goal setting journalling prompts and ideas
Further to my previous blog post about compassionate goal setting, here’s another way for you to have a look at your previous year and allow that to help you set a direction and goals for the coming year. This is in 3 parts …. you’re going to review 2023, decide on a theme and general direction for 2024 and then breaking the direction down into goals and step. Grab a pen, your journal and a brew. Enjoy it and remember it’s not a test and you can leave (and maybe come back to) any you get stuck on.
Part 1- 2023 review
The purpose of this section is to reflect on the year to capture the key moments. This helps you to know what you’d like to continue to do, what you’d like to do less of and it helps you to celebrate your wins and acknowledge the challenges that you faced.
Overall how do I feel about this year?
What was I working towards this year?
What did I prioritise this year? (and what took a backseat)
In what ways have I/my life:
Improved or moved forwards
Stayed the same or maintained
Moved backwards or let go?
What were the predominant emotions I felt this year?
Highlights of the year? [memories, experiences]
What have I achieved/ wins?
What were the low parts?
In what ways have I grown?
In what ways am I different or the same from January?
Where have I been [trips/locations]?
Key people this year?
What things do I look back on most fondly, that brought me the most energy and joy?
c) ‘BEST OF’ LIST- memories, moments, glimmers. Make a note of what you can here.
Health and Fitness:
Friends and Family:
What am I disappointed about this year?
In what ways did I let myself/ others down?
How could I be better?
Is there anything nagging at me?
Step 2 - 2024 preview
This is where we look forward to the future, taking the wisdom from the yearly review. We create a vision and big picture of the direction we want to head in. Use the following questions to create a visual mood board or written (in sentences or bullet points) account of the direction you want your year to take you in.
· What could I do to guarantee a horrible year?
· What would a good year/success look like?
· What would you like to do more of? (the key memories and reflections from 2023 will help here)
· What would I like to do less of?
· What do I want to prioritise and what am I willing to put on a backseat?
· What emotions would I like to feel more of?
· What will bring me peace?
· What would my ultimate life look like? (add own categories - think beyond 2024, for example- wellbeing, health and fitness, career, connections, family, financial)
· What would my ideal day look like?
· What do you really want?
· What decisions do I need to make and actions do I need to take to get me to where I want to go?
Step 3 -2024 Goals
When setting goals, it’s really important to avoid just listing arbitrary things that sound like they would be good. Start with your 2023 reflections, then create the big vision of your life. From that vision comes your goals for the year. These goals are here to act as directions and guidelines to life that will feel most meaningful to you.
a)First we set the scene….
Decide on a word of the year….. growth, discipline, connection, joy, health
You could even chose a ‘quote of the year’ if there is something that particularly speaks to you just now.
b) Next, decide on 2-3 Main goals (honestly any more than this and things just get a bit diluted and you can’t end up remembering them)
c) Now, break these goals into weekly/ monthly/ quarterly targets
For example, one of mine last year was a better work life balance. This meant that I needed a weekly focus on ‘quality rest’, forcing myself to take mid week days off each week and creating terms whereby clients understand that I had a certain number of weeks of annual leave each year.
Reviewing these targets on a weekly, monthy and quarterly basis. Time is going to pass anyway- so make sure you’re putting your efforts in the right place!
Need help? Let’s chat about 1-1 Coaching for support and accountability in 2024. Book in direct to my diary so I can find out more about you here