March highlights and Q1 review
This might be a little black and white as I feel like I’m severely lacking in creativity just now! I’m going to be on annual leave next week and like you I get to the point I need a break at some times! One of the first things to go and one of the first signs I have that I need a break is that my creativity goes… so please don’t expect anything too fancy or poetic from this review. The key thing for me is to get it done (imperfect action in action!). This is a personal and professional review and helps me to reflect on if things are moving in the right direction for me. All the time I am keeping in board my 2024 vision board, which focuses on how I want to feel at the end of the year.
Ok… so March highlights…
Meditation retreat day, this was incredible with such valuable insights.
Lancaster Women in Business event
Windermere School Careers event
Snowboarding every week even though it was hard
Kitty’s stagecoach show and Dance Platform performance
A work photoshoot I’ve known I’ve need to do for a while but been putting off
Knee (with meniscal tear) feeling a lot better. Not limping, better posture.
One successful group challenge programme, one not so successful!
As I read that I think to myself, no wonder I’m shattered! But it’s been an amazing month, with family birthdays and Mother’s day too. I seem to be moving forwards in a way that feels authentic and sustainable, and feel more connected than ever with Kev and Kitty. Pretty wonderful really.
April plans…
Enjoy the Easter Holidays with Kitty and not get too stressed out with the juggle.
Take a week of Annual leave and attempt to not even post on social media and have a proper break
Stick with my work structure and processes
Keep focusing on getting good sleep
Stop snowboarding until the autumn- whoop whoop haha
Continue to make gains with my training, which is consistent and enjoyable.
Continue with slow and steady fat loss. I obviously wish this was quicker- but so does everyone!
Get a new tattoo!
Kitty’s got her first night away with school this month and she’s having her first sleepover which both feel very exciting.
Q1. Overview
From a business point of view, things are very stable, with no 1-1 clients leaving since December. The clients I am currently working with are definitely ‘my kind of people’. I feel proud of the relationships I’m building and the progress my clients are making.
I’m still running Team Happy, and want to rebrand this, but can’t quite work out what to do yet.
My goal in Q1 was to be consistent with 2 podcasts, 2 emails and 1 blog posts a week. I’ve done this.
I also wanted to attend a networking meeting monthly- which I’ve done.
I took the Easter weekend off work guilt free- a big deal and really helpful in terms of an opportunity to recharge.
For Q2…
my focus needs to be a reduction in screen time. I’m going to do this by making sure I only check my emails/messages/ whatsapps/notofications at set points in the day. This will be hard… but worth it. Working online means that my phone takes up too much of my attention so now it’s time to reduce screen time in line with the future me on my vision board and how she feels.
Process goals will remain the same (pod, blog and emails) and I’m also going to attend a Coaching Skills training session once a week too.
Still working on my pre and post natal certification-this will be complete by the end of Q2. It will, it will, it will! I’ll do this by diarising time to complete work on it each week. I love it when I do it so lets crack on!
Another meditation retreat and more somatic workshops to support mindfulness with clients and my own personal practice.
Right- I told you this was going to be imperfect and not very creative , but at least I’ve done it. Imperfect is better than not done! Good to review where I’m at and set myself some goals for the next quarter and update my trusty whiteboard accordingly. Pleased with where I am and how I feel. Delighted with my client journeys. Wonderful to feel so connected. Let’s keep being in the moment for Q2.
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