Green flags on your health and well-being journey that tell you you’re moving in the right direction
What are green flags?
Green flags serve as a reminder that we’re on the right track (which of course looks different for everyone!)
They’re an opportunity to take stock of how we’re moving towards our goals.
They can help us cut through the noise of our inner critic. By celebrating our wins—both big and small— we build a level of self-awareness that’s focused on our growth.
Here are some signs you are moving in the right direction…
1. Prioritising rest and self-compassion
As someone who was once believed that toxic productivity was the key to getting ahead, I’ve experienced the freedom of adapting to a gentler approach. It’s related to our view toward perfectionism.
Allowing yourself time for rest communicates that the work can be done (and perhaps even done better) by building pauses into your day. Add to that self-compassion—our ability to express kindness to ourselves in moments of perceived inadequacy or even failure—and we build resilience.
Think about how your motivation differs in situations where you beat yourself up (“I’m so stupid! How could I make that mistake?”) versus those when you’re more forgiving, understanding and empathetic (“It’s okay, I did the best I could ”)?
Prioritising rest and responding to ourselves with self-compassion are two green flags pointing toward your health and wellbeing growth.
2. Setting and practicing healthy boundaries
Anyone else a former (or current) people pleaser?
Boundaries are difficult to set, but even harder to enforce.
It’s easy to think that saying yes to everything will help others like you more, and therefore build your self-esteem. But boundaries are the foundation for healthy relationships, both with others as well as with yourself.
Boundaries strengthen your sense of integrity. By saying no to invitations, work tasks, or whatever doesn’t serve you, you’re making your ‘yes’s’ more powerful
At their heart, healthy and strong boundaries keep you safe, happy, and feeling respected.
If you have a hard time setting them, remember that saying no to what you don’t want opens up opportunities to what you do want,
3. Having a clear picture of what doesn’t serve you
Building on boundaries, it’s important to understand what does and doesn’t support your healthiest self.
In the past, I would stretch myself thin with professional commitments without pausing for a moment whether or not these choices served me.
A key learning for me key has been sitting with the truth that only I know what serves me best. My vision board has helped with this.
4. Embracing the uncomfortable
I find this one so hard. But remind myself pretty much daily that growth comes from those moments when we’re challenged and stretched to our limits.
Our comfort zone is a cosy place to be, but it’s not where expansion—professionally, personally, and in our relationships—takes place.
Especially as women, we can get used to playing it small, and sometimes it seems like the effort isn’t worth it.
These days, I firstly try to notice when I feel uncomfortable and I try to see this as information. Then I ask myself, what choice can I make that’s aligned with how I want to grow? And that’s what I try to do!
5.Feeling a full spectrum of emotions
This is another big one for me and doesn’t necessarily come very easily
Rather than trying to push away an emotion or grasp onto it, I am trying to being present for it and leaning into its experience.
Emotions tell us what we need and how we can best take care of ourselves.
Our feelings remind us to listen to ourselves.
Instead of trying to drown out stress or numb away pain, I try to get quiet, curious and listen
Lean into these emotions and let your body and mind tell you the best way to proceed.
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