How your health and fitness journey is like my blog

My blog is new. I’m a bit scared by it. I don’t really understand how it will help me help people but I’m assured that it will do. I’m scared but i’m doing it anyway… That’s how you need to approach your health and wellbeing journey.

It’s the same with my emails. 16 weeks ago I started sending out 1 a week to my lovely subscribers. I was scared about starting. Scared I wouldn’t have anything to say. Scared my subscribers would all unsubscribe. Scared they’d think “Who does she think she is?”… but I did it anyway… and I’m so glad I started.

I didn’t wait until I was perfect. I didn’t wait until the ‘right time’. Instead I allowed myself to make mistakes, to be imperfect, to learn as I go. Because Imperfect Action is better than no action at all. And that’s how you need to approach your health and fitness journey.

I can literally think of scores of other times within my business that I have been shit scared but done it anyway.

When I transition from being a face to face PT to an online coach I didn’t feel ready. I was scared. I was terrified fact. Because I knew it would be harder, and I was worried I wasn’t enough. But I did it anyway. And now I’ve helped SO MANY WOMEN take control of their health and fitness.

These things ARE hard. Doing hard things , things that are worthwhile, is hard. That is the same in literally every area of life. So you need to apply this principle to your health and fitness.

Giving myself SELF COMPASSION to GET BETTER AT SOMETHING, to BE IMPERFECT, to know I AM WORTHY even if I’m not perfect is ESSENTIAL IN MY OWN JOURNEY AS A COACH…. Just like it’s essential in YOUR Health and Wellbeing journey.

If i’d waited until I was READY, or until I felt the time was PERFECT, or I was PERFECT… I’d never have done any of this. Heck- i’d never even have taken my original Pilates instructor exam (my first Wellbeing qualification) never ming have transitioned to work ONLINE…. which was probably the best professional decision I have EVER made.

I just had to START… otherwise I wouldn’t have made anywhere near as much progress as I have.

The service I offer now to the individuals I work with online (both 1-1 and as apart of TEAM HAPPY) is SO MUCH BETTER than when I started. So much of my growth as a Coach is about learning from the mistakes I make (because I WILL make them because I’m only a human being), and learning to learn from mistakes and errors I make is essential.

You’ll make these too in your health and wellbeing Journey- but the difference will be how you LEARN from these- in your resilience, personal growth and commitment to your personal values and development.

If you’re ready to lean into what is hard, and to allow yourself not to be perfect - I’m here ready to guide you because I’m doing it too x


Discipline creates freedom…


A short core workout