How I got myself out of survival mode

Last year at this point I was on my knees. My business was thriving but (ironically for a wellbeing professional) my own self care had gone out of the window and I felt increasingly disconnected with myself and what was important to me. Like a lot of self employed business owners I need to bring myself back to feeling human again.

So, in the last year I’ve concentrated every single day on getting back from Survival Mode, and so much of that has been about learning to slow down.

Slowing down does not come easily to me, but I have taken intentional steps every day to help me feel better…


Last year I moved away from tracking my food which was a tool I had used for years for fat loss & performance. I became aware that this was no longer necessary for my goals- but actually I’d tracked for so long that moving away from it was so much harder that I though it was going to be. Removing all the rules that I’d set myself in my head around nutrition, what a nutrition coach should look like and the concept of ‘health’ required a lot of deep inner work for me- even though I thought I already had an awesome relationship with food. But the insights understanding and knowledge that the work has given me has made me a better coach tenfold.

Exercise .

Historically a lover of Crossfit and huge crushing workouts, I’ve chosen to do less intense exercise, and less of it. Exercise is a stressor on the body and I didn’t need any more cortisol racing through my body! I also chose to join a gym 6 months ago which has progressed my strength even more. I’m consistent with exercise and have spent years establishing this habit- but there are still times I don’t want to move my body. Instead of focusing on progress last year, I focused on maintaining where I was. This was enough of a challenge! I’m delighted now to be stronger than ever despite training less than I have in YEARS - be brave with those heavy weights guys- it’s so good for the mind, body & soul.

Time outside

My daily walks have become a haven for me. Listening to a podcast or audiobook or nature settles my nervous system, boosts productivity and creativity and is huge for my mental health. It amazes me daily that something so simple is so crucial for me to fee well.


The first time I meditated felt like my body was desperate for it. Forcing myself to sit still with no distractions was what I my mind was craving. I’ve developed a daily mediation habit in the last year that I do without fail, by setting a sensible minimum standard for myself. I forgive myself when my mind wanders (which it does basically continually) - the ultimate in self compassion. If you could have seen the workaholic 20 something me, you’d LOL at the thought of me meditating- but it has been a game changer. Forcing myself to sit still and be uncomfortable has helped me tolerate a whole heap of other uncomfortable things that I’ve been dealing with this year.


I <3 my bed!


I’ve journalled on and off for years but this year it’s become ESSENTIAL for me to help me sort out my thoughts, set intentions and ensure I’ve kept making progress in a forward trajectory. Gratitude is a huge part of my journalling and is how I begin every session. From there, I see where the mood takes me. Like with Meditation, the Old Me would be howling at this- but it has been more helpful to me than anything in being able to recognise and celebrate my progress.

Talking therapy

I began seeing a Psychotherapist fortnightly in November, which has helped me learn more about myself than I ever thought possible at the age of 44. I’m so excited about the possibility of future learning and growth thanks to this investment. My learnings here are for another day.


I’ve invested in both Business and Personal Coaching for myself during this period. It has helped me feel supported, understood, less alone and has motivated me to take action.


Staying focused on ‘getting better’ and bringing myself back to myself has taken huge amounts of daily work. I’ve had to say ‘no’ to lots of distractions and I’ve had to get better at not taking on other peoples problems. I’ve done a lot of work on developing my identity away from my work and drilling down on being worthy no matter what.


Oh, along with all this I began peri-menopause last year. So I started HRT too! That’s a whole other post too!

All this helped me feel human again, and I can definitely say that I am Thriving now as opposed to Surviving. The process for me was a mixture of drilling down on habits I already had, creating new exciting ones but also creating new scary, hard ones. I’ve leant into what has been hard knowing that this has been a period of huge personal growth for me. A year on, and I’m in such a better place to start the Summer. I’m so grateful for the last year and all it has taught me.

If you’re ready to start your journey to feeling better, you can book a call with me here. You’re who I help.


Got 4 minutes to get sweaty?


Discipline creates freedom…