How I had my first alcohol free December

Here are 11 things I did…

1. I told my husband but no one else my intentions. I like a little private project that I can nail. Challenges excite me .

2. I said no to a lot of things & stayed at home under a blanket & drank hot drinks.

3. I knew looking after my mental health was more important than letting people down. I tried to remove guilt from how I felt.

4. I went home early from social occasions I did go to.

5. I started following alcohol free hashtags on Instagram to create myself a mini alcohol free community

6. I went to bed early a lot at home. Like really early. Just to get through some  days.

7. I used distraction during ‘danger zone’ times, like when I was cooking tea & bedtimes.

8. I read a million books about other women who stopped drinking alcohol

9. I concentrated on doing things that make me feel good- for me that was getting out for walks & exercise.

10. I knew that if I could get through this one first December without alcohol it would be so much easier the following year. I knew that future Christmas’ would be much better if I could crack this, & changed my vision of what  Christmas looked like & how I would feel & experience them. I was excited by this.

11. I took it one day at a time.

I absolutely LOVE chatting about being alcohol free. It’s absolutely one of the best decisions I ever made for my health (if not THE best decision given the direct causal links between alcohol, disease & death) & has improved the quality of my life & all my relationships beyond measure.

In particular it’s been amazing for my inner voice. I no longer speak to myself like crap all the time or hate on myself. Life changing. Plus, when you get through a December alcohol free, you feel amazing- like you can do anything! January isn’t the usual slump- physically & mentally you feel pretty invincible.

If you fancy having a chat, you know where I am .


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