Hello, I’m Beth Mason.

Here’s a bit about my fitness and health story.

I live in Kendal, happily married to Kev, with our daughter Kitty and cute but very poorly behaved dog, Walt.

Move Me Happy was born out of sadness. It offered me the valuable lifeline I needed after our baby son, Jim, died in 2017. I was distraught and needed something to focus on to bring myself back to life. It was the connections I made through movement during this difficult time that helped me to heal and find a positive path back to the world.

Movement and fitness became my passion, and then the passion became my business. I took a massive leap of faith started my Personal Training business during the first down and, the rest, as they say, is history.

It has turned out to be the best decision I ever made.


It’s never too late to change

The fact that I could qualify as a personal trainer at the age of 41, proves that it’s never too late to change. Before Move Me Happy, I had successful careers in Venue Management and as a Secondary School teacher.

It’s an honour and a privilege to be a part of someone’s health & wellbeing journey

My own journey has centred around the search for moderation- which is what I base my coaching round. I coach based on the 80:20 principle. I am an advocate for real-life, sustainable, realistic and manageable exercise and nutrition habits. I want to teach my clients habits that will last a lifetime so that they learn that they do not need to switch healthy habits on and off, but instead, learn to see them more like a dimmer switch!

My own fitness journey is still a work in progress (and so is yours)

Viewing myself as a project is so helpful and I encourage my clients do to the same. Recognise that you are a work in progress and get curious about who you are and what makes you tick and behave the way you do. It’s this understanding helps to move forward.

Like you, I have made health mistakes along the way

Years before Move Me Happy, I fell into many of the all-too-common health and fitness pitfalls.

  • I have overexercised, had disordered eating habits and used unhealthy weight loss methods. I have also been obese, inactive and had many unhealthy lifestyle habits.

  • I have struggled with a negative mindset and horrible self-talk

I had to dig deep and use all the techniques I now use with clients to improve my own self-compassion, self-kindness and inner dialogue.

I am very open about my own struggles with mental health

I actively manage my mental health every day by using good nutrition, getting outdoors and keeping active. This has helped me create a coaching approach that relies on small steps every day because they help me in my darkest days. Taking action is so important to move forward- but that action can look different every day.

Like many of the individuals I work with, I have had a difficult relationship with my body over the years. I was never sporty as a child or a teen and ate & drank my way through my 20’s whilst in a yucky relationship. I’ve struggled with emotional eating and sometimes still do. There’s nothing you can tell me about your health and fitness struggles that I’ve never heard before. As you can tell, I’ve experienced most of them myself.

“Recognise that you are a work in progress and get curious about who you are and what makes you tick and behave the way you do. It’s this understanding helps to move forward.”