My ‘Pay It Forward’ Project

As an online Personal Coach I’m super aware that what I do isn’t available to everyone due to the many barriers some women face when it comes to improving their health.

This is why I try to provide a lot of free quality content & advice via my social media & on my weekly newsletter.

During my own health & wellbeing journey I’ve been lucky enough to have the chance to spend time & work with various mentors & coaches. Some of whom I’ve paid for, others I’ve been fortunate enough to be in contact just because of who I’ve known or where I’ve been. There’s been a few individuals in particular that have been incredibly impactful & helped me when I’ve been at my absolute lowest.

A lot of women who NEED to move (for mental & physical health), are nowhere near as lucky as I have been- & can’t afford to access classes, training or don’t even know people who can help them. They face physical, environmental, emotional & social barriers to moving themselves & their lives forward. 

Moving my body had been lifesaving for me. It’s why I called my business Move Me  Happy. Moving brought me back to life when our baby, Jim, died 6 years ago.

But exercising isn’t the easiest thing to get going with- however good we know it will be for us. The top 3 barriers to exercise for women are time, energy & motivation. Sound familiar?

Other barriers include race, ethnicity, cost, access to facilities, transport, childcare, illness/injury, unsuitability, skill, fear of injury, family commitments & lack of social support.

Is it any wonder that so many women don’t exercise? 

In a very small, & very tiny, attempt to help a few women feel better, I’m working with Cumbria County Council & NHS England to support a few local women who would struggle to access my services otherwise.

I’m hoping it makes a small but impactful difference & that maybe the project will be able to grow over time.

If you, or your organisation, would like to help, please follow the link in my bio to donate the cost of a class (£8) to the project or email me via the button below and add ‘Pay It Forward’ to the subject line if you’d like to make a different donation.

You can purchase a class to donate by clicking the button below.


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