My own experience of a coaching journey

I wanted to write a blog about this as every discovery call I have, I tell potential clients about how the work we do isn’t a quick fix. I tell them this, because I know it to be true- because I’m living it myself.

I’ve always been passionate and dedicated to doing my best, but about 10 years ago I started to think instead about being my best. That wasn’t about turning up for an employer or a job, it was more about getting the most out of my one, precious life.

I’ve invested in some kind of coaching pretty much constantly for the past 10 years. From face to face PT, to having an online trainer, to an online Coach, various nutrition coaches, to a business mentor, marketing support, therapist, counsellor and elder- I believe that investing in myself is the best thing I can do when it comes to my personal and professional growth. And that doesn’t include the professional qualifications and accredited training courses I’ve invested in for myself in the last 6 years since being in the Health and Fitness industry either.

Growth over the years has meant different things to me. At one point it meant fat loss, then it meant fitness, then strength, and then it meant my relationship with food and emotional eating. It’s all encompassed the skills and knowledge to start and grow my business, and then transfering my business online. Finally more recently it’s about my wholeheated, holistic health.

There’s a cliche about the fact you’ll never be done, and I can categorically confirm that that is true. This has been uplifting and a bit depressing to me, but most of the time I embrace it.

‘Never being done’ looks like this…

When it comes to fat loss, fat loss is actually the easy part! Its weight management that is the tricky part. So finding a way to live that you can maintain for the rest of your life is essential! Sure, taking a shake 3 meals a day or doing an 8 week shed might sound attractive, but if you’re not willing to learn the habits that will result in the body you want, I can guarantee that that the body you get won’t last very long! This is why I promote ways of living that my clients that can enjoy and embody for life.

Next up, fitness. You think you want to get fit, then you get fitter and you want to get fitter still. When you get the fitness ‘bug’ it lasts! Same goes for strength. You want to get strong, realise how good it is, and realise you if you either want to stay that strong or get stronger you’re going to have to continue doing the things you’ve been doing. Otherwise you won’t stay strong or fit for very long if you don’t keep going with the habits you’ve built!

I’ve had nutrition coaching, to help me learn how to fuel my body well for performance, plus for support with emotional eating and for leaving the binge/restrict cycle. I’ve also spent time working with a Nutritionist. I ask myself, how can I expect to know things I was never taught? I’d speak to an expert about my car, the plumbing or investing- so why not about myself?

I’ve invested in business coaching, marketing support and mentoring too. Once I picked the wrong person and burnt out. But I learnt so much from that about who I am and what I stand for. It’s an example of how I’ve learnt to fail forwards and has been amazing for my reframing skills!

Therapy and counselling are also something I’m not ashamed ore embarrased to say I’ve benefited from too. In one way, paying someone to listen to you in counselling is just so damn good when you feel bad for constantly talking about stuff with your friends. Grief counselling was helpful for me, and Therapy has has been more about working out who I am as a person, well, kind of rediscovering. I definitely didn’t always want to go to my sessions- facing stuff and feeling stuff felt hard.

I know lots of people (close friends included) that say they couldn’t spend money on anything that wasn’t tangible, so coaching would never be an option for them even though they struggle with poor self confidence, low body image, their relationship with food, emotional eating or being all or nothing. They want an actual thing for their money, and coaching is too woo -woo and self indulgent for them. But what they don’t see is that investing in how you feel, your confidence and your energy has immeasurable outcomes. Yet these same people spend money on designer clothes and bags and big holidays where they eat and drink themselves silly for days.

It’s obviously a hugely personal choice how you spend your own money, and also comes down to a privilege that isn’t available to everyone. But the point of this article is really to emphasise that there’d be no way I’d be feeling like I am now without the support of a whole heap of people along the way. Because even though I’m a professional in the Health and fitness industry I don’t expect myself to know everything or be able to do it alone!

I see Coaching as an investment into myself. It ensures I am at my best, it encourages me to push myself, and it makes sure I am always moving forwards in the direction of the life I’d like. I’ve also learnt through it to enjoy life now, for what it is, instead of waiting for some magic point in the future when everything is perfect. Conversations and learning are ways in which I thrive, and if I thrive, then everyone around me does. I currently have a Coach currently who supports me with my health and fitness, and I can’t actually imagine a time when I won’t chose to invest in having a coach.

Investing in support is one of the most important ways that I offer compassion to myself, and it’s one if the key way’s I’ve developed my self compassion, which has been crucial for allowing myself to move forwards with purpose and intent. If you’re interested in working with me to help you feel like you matter and are worthy too, even if you don’t think you’re quite there yet, I’d love to hear from you. My coaching will improve your confidence, energy and ability to turn up for yourself in every area of your life.

Speak soon and thanks for reading x


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