My August in 30 minutes

I’m in a reflective mood and the end of August and start of a new school year always feels symbolic for me. The passing of time and the bittersweet of Kitty going back to school makes me teary when I think about it, even though parts of the summer have been seriously HARD. The first weekend in September is also the anniversary of when we moved into our house 7 years ago, and makes me think a lot about Jim and the early days of grief. Thinking back to the family who moved in then and the Beth of 7 years ago makes me realise how much things have changed, especially as I’ve already started a plan for the Autumn to have more fun.

Key events/ Highlights: 

  • School holiday juggle 

  • Camping trip with friends to North Yorkshire

  • Holiday in Menorca

  • Finishing the Bathroom 4 years after we started it and making some decisions about our house renovation 

What went well?

The school holiday juggle has been seriously hard but has gone better than previous. Kitty is nearly 9 now and she’s loved having a summer doing loads of different stuff and experiencing some amazing things. I’ve organised it well and been able to have a good focus on which was important to me.

What didn’t go so well?

Honestly without sounding like a total d*** I’ve tried my best and I’m proud of my efforts. Obviously I’ve lost my shit and got stressed a lot too, but on the whole I’m chuffed with how the month has gone. 

Goal Review

HEALTH- I’m feeling good mentally and physically. My knee is holding up nicely. Stress levels are manageable. I’m fit and strong and my HRT seems to be working along with lifestyle factors to manage my perimenopause factors. I feel confident in my body and skin.

CAREER- I’m loving work. Boundaries are better, which was a focus after July. I find work so fulfilling and joyful I can easily do too much. I am working with wonderful women who I feel so privileged at being able to help and my cup is full. 

FAMILY - I’ve loved having some family time at the end of August - it’s made the sacrifices, juggling and compromises that I had at the start of the month worthwhile. 

HOME- I’m excited about the Autumn and settling in with candles and my old burner! Exciting conversations happening regarding our renovation and over the last week we’ve finally got our bathroom repainted after using the wrong colour 4 years ago. I love it and am super inspired to keep tidying/ sorting (basically chucking stuff away) to live a tidier, cleaner, simpler life. 

EXPERIENCES- We had a wonderful holiday in Menorca, and have had some really special days out over the summer. I have to remember this when I think about how hard it’s been too. 

LESSONS LEARNT- I’ve been reminded about the importance of fun and joy and I am excited to take this into the autumn with me. 

Am I spending time/ energy on what matters?- Yes I am. This feels like it’s improving every month for me.

Where do I need to correct course-  I’m not focusing on growing…I’m concentrating on exceeding the expectations of my current clients. 

This blog is an example of me taking imperfect action. At the start of the year I intended to write a blog a week, as you can see that’s gone by the wayside as my Coaching World has grown. But, I still want to maintain doing a blog and so I’m doing one- instead of not doing one at all! 

Something I talk to clients about is the impact of imperfect action. Doing something not nothing to move the needle forwards. 

If you’re struggling to take action because you feel like you can’t be ‘perfect’, concentrate on taking some action… whatever action you can. It will help you create momentum, and create results which will make you want to take more action. Don’t let perfectionism stop you… imperfect action has changed my life. Could it change yours? 

Thanks for reading. If you’re interested in working with me, DM me ‘Coach’ on instagram and we can chat. 

 25 minutes done 


How I Learned to Step Outside My Comfort Zone and Transform My Life


30 minute July