30 minute July

This is a review of my month and is also a return to my blog as I honestly have disappeared off the face of the earth on here as I’ve been putting 1000% of my work energy into my Coaching world which has been A-MAZ-ING.

I’m keen to get back to a place where I review my months and I’ve decided to start in July. 30 minute timer on- imperfect action- i’ll do what I can in the time available.

Key events/ Highlights:

  • Kitty’s stagecoach show

  • Somatics CPD

  • 2 big walks swims with friends

  • 2 visits to Grandmas

  • Fish and Chips at Nana’s

  • Consistent Gym workout and first run in months

  • Date morning

  • Day in Manchester with the Skill Coach Club

  • Pizza oven is back out for pizza Saturdays

  • School finished for summer

  • Launched group coaching programme and sold out first cohort.

  • Auntie Helen visited

  • Invited onto the Baby Loss Hour to discuss exercise and grief.

What went well?

It’s so helpful writing this stuff down as it’s so hard to think about what’s actually happened. It’s been a very busy, but very balanced month.

What didn’t go so well?

I do need to be conscious of my boundaries as I am loving work SO MUCH and it’s bringing me so much joy it’s easy just to dip into it. This reflection is a good reminder to myself.

Goal Review

HEALTH- This is good and I am grateful. The flair to my knee injury has calmed down and I’ve been inspired by my clients to get out running again. Mental health and sleep are good too.

CAREER- I am feeling so full of clarity and focus and energy at the moment with the launch of THRIVE. It feels like it’s the culmination of everything to date coming together in a way that I can deeply help other women. I feel so excited about it. It is really challenging me and pushing me regularly outside of comfort zone too.

FAMILY - The school holidays presents challenges but also opportunties here. Kitty is an absolute joy (when she’s not exhausted!) and I feel so lucky to have such a supportive immediate and extended family. Down time and doing nothing together is a real priority for us 3 at the moment.

HOME- Work on the house still hasn’t started, but my ginourmous tidy up is well and truly underway! I still can’t really believe the impact that Jim’s death had on me in ways I’m only starting now to understand. I worry that makes me sound like we’ve been living in a shit-tip, we haven’t- but having a child, losing a child, moving house and starting a business all within a few years was a lot! I’m moving to a more minimalist approach to living as a whole to reduce headspace and decision fatigue. I love it!

EXPERIENCES- Kev and I both have some time off at the end of the August and I’m so excited about time with the two of them on a holiday. Saying that I take an unbelievable amount of joy from having meals at the table together everyday and just chatting about our days. The ordinary feels very good.

Lesson Learnt- I am removing a lot of internal narratives atm about things I can and can’t do. The stories I’ve been telling myself have been wrong (I’ve been scared, I think). It feels exciting to be pushing through these.

Am I spending time/ energy on what matters?- Yes I am. Professional and personally I feel so aligned.

Where do I need to correct course- Remember about boundaries even though I’m so excited about work!

Thanks for reading. If you’d like me to whizz the template over for this so you can have a go DM me on instagram.

30 minutes done


My August in 30 minutes


Current and future me