Fed up with hearing about why you should be journalling? Here’s even more reasons why you need to get started!
The name ‘Journalling’ conjures up this god awful mystical, spiritual and super consistent practice that put me off for YEARS
But now I’ve found my own groove with it, I’m an absolute convert. It has without doubt contributed to my own enhanced wellbeing & increased self-awareness. I experience more gratitude, am better at regulating my emotions and I notice patterns in my behaviour. I’m clearer in what I want and need, and feel less stressed.
By writing about things that were going on in my life, I developed a more curious mindset and began to ‘lean into’ problems I was having, instead of running away from them. I have developed a more intentional and reflective way of living which means I’m not just going through the motions of life. I have control and ownership of my actions and behaviours and the outcome of them.
I vote we stop calling it ‘ journalling’ and start calling it something else instead- but I’ve no idea what! The biggest barrier I experienced to journalling my preconceptions about what it ought to look like, due to social media. I tried for many years to get started, but could find a pattern or place in my day for it to fit. I journaled for days/weeks/months before finding a pattern that suited me.
Here are 7 things I did that helped me to establish a regular and helpful journalling habit….
I found the journalling techniques that worked for me by experimenting with a variety of patterns. Writing in long hand or bullet points, exploring and finding the structure and intention that worked for me.
I reminded myself this was a private practice and no-one else would see it. This was for me by me.
I managed my expectations and kept them realistic.
I reminded myself that this was a tool that would help me when I couldn’t be bothered to move the needle forward.
I created a writing routine that helped. I found that having 2 minutes last thing in my day was the right time for me.
I allowed myself to journal about anything that popped into my head. Nothing was off limits.
I used journal prompts to help structure it on the days I lacked creativity (most days!).
One of the biggest changes I have experienced is that I now l find gratitude easier and comes naturally to me. I’ve always been a naturally positive and enthusiastic person, but my feelings of awe and wonder have increased. I appreciate that this is probably enough to make you wretch but it’s actually true.
Journalling has been a key factor in me feeling like I am living my life, as opposed to my life living me and getting swept away in things. It’s made me very aware of the things I DO have control over, and empowered me to make changes that help me feel more authentic and aligned with what I want my life to be and feel like.
For me, journalling has enabled me to set the tone for my own life, given me a space to reflect and set goals and targets, and helped give me a feeling of purpose and focus.
Interested in 1-1 Coaching? Email me beth@movemehappy.me and lets chat.
In the meantime, here are some journalling ideas that might work for you….
Simple structure
Bullet point 3 things that went well and 3 things you are grateful for
Thorn, rose, bud
Thorn: what’s something that didn’t go well, unpleasant, not ideal from today?
Rose: what’s something that did go well, that was pleasant, that you’re grateful for today?
Bud: what’s something you’re looking forward to in the future that will bring you closer to your goals?
What would you advise a close friend?
What would you say to a child you?
What would it feel like to accept yourself as you are?
What can you be less hard on yourself for?
Body Image
How does my body work for me every day?
What do I appreciate about my body?
I would like to thank my body for …
How does moving make me feel?
I feel the most comfortable in myself when …
I need to tell myself that …
What I really need to hear is …
I feel the most confident when …
I feel strong when …
How does your body support you?
How can you start to appreciate your body more?
Would you speak to your friend the way you speak to yourself?
What freedom would accepting your body give you?
What would it feel like to accept yourself as you are?
What “toward” moves did I make today?
In what ways have I moved towards my goals?
Am I being the person that I want to be?
How would future me feel about my decisions today?