Elaine’s story
“I became a single parent unexpectedly. My own mortality became very real, mental health became a primary focus and whilst I had never been sick physically or mentally, I learnt very quickly that these issues are indeed very real and can sneak up on you with devastating effects.
“I felt uncertain about my future and if I had enough fight and energy to grab it and live it. It was at a time when I'd either sink or swim. I needed to find some energy to protect my mental and physical health as I had such a strong sense of responsibility to the kids as a sole parent.”
“Looking after my physical health became a priority. I wanted to feel more driven and energised to move forward as an independent middle-aged woman. I needed help to mould a new me and something that would challenge me whilst looking after my health and focusing my mind into a new space, after being in a relationship for 24 years.”
I needed a positive, healthy approach, something flexible,
not intimidating, not 'beautiful people' and a whole load of
consistency to keep me on track. I'd seen Beth practising all
these things with a great bunch of women outdoors and
right through the pandemic...always with a smile, so now
why not me?”
“I chose Beth as I hated gyms, I didn’t want to do a ‘class’
and I wanted to train for internal results as well as physical.
A friend also commented that ….’everyone needs a Beth
in their life!’ …turns out they were right. Her animated
energy radiated a passion for her role which I found
inspiring and calming with no chance of me not being able to do it”.
“Beth’s incredibly able in terms of fitness and strength
but equally able to empathise with the uniqueness of
individuals. These 2 attributes come together, and she
delivers them in such a thoughtful and energised way that
it’s infectious. She understood where my training can
contribute to delivering good life choices, that have the
potential to change how you feel“.
“I feel like a different person, the choices I make are far removed from mY old life 12 months ago. I feel physically stronger, and I have more energy. My bodies a different shape and whilst this was never a goal it all adds to feeling more confident and able. With investing in myself also came a willingness to choose less alcohol, less takeaways, fewer food treats without ever feeling I have denied myself anything”
“Friends comment that I look well and ultimately being well is the goal. This then reinforces the choices I have consistently made, without denying myself, just applying moderation without any sense of loss, this is a massive change for me”
“I’ve become Independent. I’m able to give all things a go, I’ve taken up new sports, and new activities and tried things on my own and in groups, which I would never have made time for, nor would I have had the energy for”.
”The best thing about working with Beth is that she’s normal and can focus me on what’s efficient and effective, celebrate what you’ve done, to allow grow into your future self as strongly as you can. She’s an inspiration with an infectious enthusiasm for her craft which is real life, good days and bad days, a work in progress, that continues”.
“If you’re looking for support, encouragement and a coach in life, then I couldn’t be happier recommending Beth, particularly if you’re there for YOU, for investing in yourself without comparison, without judgement and without lots of intimidating fit people”.