Why you need to focus on your bad days, not your good days

Anyone can get out for a walk on a day when the weather is good, or on a day when they have the time.

Anyone can get consistent with their exercise if they sleep well and have bags of time and support.

Anyone can eat wholesome, nutritious foods if they have planned their meals, have no extra work commitments and have well stocked cupboards.

Anyone can feel happier and in control when the circumstances are good.

It’s far harder when you have a demanding career, a busy home, a family life, perimenopause symptoms, or all of these!

That’s why our next 14 day challenge is about raising the bar on the more difficult days, and turning your approach on these days from all or nothing into all or something.

In order to transform your mindset and start to make a difference to your worst days (and therefore start bringing the average of your actions up) you need to be okay with starting small and acknowledge that taking some action is better than none.

You’ll also begin to see in time that it’s your actions that will help to turn your bad days into better days. The secret to transforming these days lies with you- and once you begin to make that transformation- you’ll begin to understand how powerful you and your daily habits are.

This is a conversation i’ve been having with a few 1-1 coaching clients recently, as they begin to introduce non-negtiables into their days and weeks. These can look like anything from committing to a walk daily, making sure they eat 3 meals daily, 3 training sessions a week or bed by 10pm. These king of non-negiotable promises to yourself are what build confidence and self trust, which are absolutely instrumental on difficult days.

Use the “Get shit done” cheat sheet to use techniques I still use on my worst days, and feel yourself raise the bar for yourself over the next 14 days- so you’re never back at Square One again.


Baked Oats- my current high protein breakfast obsession


A little note about hope and me